What is a financial coach?
There are a fair amount of misconceptions out there on what a financial coach is, and what we can do to help. There are several people that can help with various financial situations that a client may present with. To best help define what a financial coach is, it is best to describe what a financial coach is not.
A financial coach is not someone that will be selling you any sort of financial investments or insurance products. A financial adviser is concerned with the behavior of your money whereas a coach is concerned with your behaviors with your money.
I am here to help walk with a person to help them build a debt pay off plan. Lots of people say that they want to get out of debt and will make a haphazard effort. In my experience, this does not always fix the problem that lead to the debt in the first place. Having a solid plan that addresses behaviors that lead to the debt and having a long-term wealth building coach in your corner helping you to make a plan is a person’s best bet for success. There are lots of things that lead people to falling back into debt.
unexpected job loss
medical expenses
veterinarian bills
household repairs
car repair bills
It is easy to look to a credit card with the intention of paying off debt with a tax refund. The problem with this plan is when “deserve” comes into play and instead the funds end up going to clothes or maybe a family trip, perhaps you are not even sure where the money went. The trouble with money is that, if you do not know how to manage your money, having a sudden financial windfall is not going to change the picture long-term.
A financial coach is going to get into the trenches with you to take a look at where you have struggled with your finances and what led to going into debt. THIS IS NOT A JUDGEMENT SESSION and that includes either sides of a couple. At this point, I am going to work with my client to determine a plan that will help them work towards their personalized goals.
One of the most strongly indicative reasons a person is successful or not at getting out of debt stands in their plan. Second most, I have found lies in a person’s reason. Given a strong enough reason, a person will endure changing behaviors that they are used to. Budgeting is not a simple check register, and it is not as simple as making sure the bills are paid and that the account does not overdraft.